Older Student Testimonials

Here’s What They’re Saying About Our Programs for Older Elementary, Middle, & High Schools

I learned so much about what I can do to stop bullying. 

7th Grader

You definitely showed me and my peers what we can do if bullying happens to us or we see somebody else being bullied. Thank you! 

6th Grader

My favorite part was when they were talking about their personal experiences with bullying and how they dealt with it.

12th Grader

You taught me how to block out meanness. 

4th Grader

My favorite part was the circle activity because I got to know other kids at my school better. 

6th Grader

This is my favorite Assembly I have had throughout my entire Elementary experience. It was amazing! 

6th Grader

You guys were amazing and it is wonderful you guys do this.

9th Grader

It was so cool when they used our real teachers’ names during the scenes to show us who we can talk to if this happens to us. 

5th Grader

My favorite part was that they were kid actors, and they experienced this recently. So they know more about bullying than adults do. 

5th Grader

All the scenes impacted me. It was so real.

9th Grader

My favorite part was playing the games at the end and seeing who had stuff in common with me. 

6th Grader

We learned so many different strategies. 

5th Grader

The first scene impacted me the most because it showed a breathing example we can all use.

11th Grader

The parent and child scene is so important. Everyone needs to know that there’s help outside of their family. 

11th Grader

My favorite part was the Q&A session at the end. I never would have guessed some the actors had been bullied. 

8th Grader

I loved the lunch scene because it taught me how to make new friends. 

6th Grader

My favorite part was when you answered our questions.

12th Grader

You guys are really great and are making a difference in the world! 

6th Grader

The second scene was so powerful because it showed us what happens to kids after they get bullied. 

7th Grader

I loved your assembly. You taught me how to stand up for myself. 

5th Grader