Welcome to the Sample of Your Viewing Page for Baffle Away Bullying! Interactive Workshop for K-3rd on Video

DURING CHECKOUT: You’ll tell us what day you want your video rental to start.

THEN: We’ll create a private viewing page for you – just like this one – here on our website. We’ll email you a link to your viewing page and your password(s) within 2 business days of receiving your payment.

ON YOUR VIEWING DAY(S): The device where you’ll watch (or play and project) the program must have internet access. It’s as simple as that; no software needed! If you project the program to reach a larger audience, you must have paid for the size of audience who will be viewing the program.

Email CustomerService@actlikeyoumatter.org if you experience any trouble playing the video or using your password.

These Notes Won’t Be On Your Private Viewing Page:

  • On this sample page, we’ve linked to the trailer for our empowering anti-bullying program for K-3rd. Just click the play button to watch the trailer!
  • On the viewing page that we’ll build for you once you’ve rented the program, the link will be to the full program.

To Watch the Video in Full Screen:

  1. Hit the play icon
  2. Hover near the bottom of the screen, and video controls should appear
  3. In the lower right corner, you’ll see the square icon to click to expand to full screen
  4. Once in full screen, slide progress bar at bottom of screen all the way to the left to start the video over
  5. To exit full screen, hit esc button on your device

Important Documents to Help Your Students or Children Have the Best Learning Experience:

(The boxes below will link to the resource documents you’ll receive when you rent the program)

Adult Guidance Doc

Click to read tips for enhancing your students’ viewing and learning experience.


Student Handout: My Game Plan for Playing Baffle Away Bullying

Click to download. Please print 1 copy (double-sided, if possible) for each student.


Did You Enjoy Baffle Away Bullying? Please Leave Us a Review

Click to tell us what you thought about the program AFTER you watch it.

Shh! Board (optional)

Click to view “Shh! Board” which can be handmade or sent to a printer (such as VistaPrint) to assist with quieting the room during the program.